Beard Transplant Turkey

Throughout history, the beard has left its indelible mark, symbolizing masculinity with its full and thick appearance. However, weak beard growth can often have an impact on one’s self-confidence. That’s where beard transplant procedures come in. In a beard transplant Turkey procedure, hair follicles from the donor area are carefully inserted into the areas of the beard, mustache, and sideburns that lack hair or have thinning patches, effectively restoring hair density. These hair follicles are typically harvested from the back of the head, lower neck, or other suitable parts of the body and delicately transplanted to the face.

The procedure typically lasts around 5-6 hours with the patient under local anesthesia. Following the surgery, common symptoms include redness, swelling, and dryness of the skin, but these discomforts typically subside within a few days. Beards will begin to grow within 2 to 4 weeks, and the success rates are consistently high, often achieved in a single session. For some patients, a second operation may be necessary.

beard transplant in turkey antalya

Beard Transplant Cost Turkey

Beard Transplant Turkey Cost is a very important factor driving the decision of approximately 1 Million Men from around the world to undergo hair transplant in Turkey.


Popular package include of Beard Transplant Cost

Free Hair Analysis and Guidance

  • 4 Star Hotel (2 Nights, Single Bed + Breakfast)
  • Patient Experience Team (12 Months Post-Op)
  • Transfer (Airport Pick Up &Drop off Hotel – Clinic – Hotel )
  • Medicine and After Care Package
  • Platet Rich Plasma (PRP)
  • Consultations
  • Manual Implantation
  • Pre-Op Blood Tests

Luxury package include of Beard Transplant Cost

Free Hair Analysis and Guidance

  • 5 Star Hotel (3 Nights, All-Inclusive)
  • Patient Experience Team (12 Months Post-Op)
  • Transfer (Airport Pick Up &Drop off Hotel – Clinic – Hotel )
  • Medicine and After Care Package
  • Platet Rich Plasma (PRP)
  • Consultations
  • Manual Implantation
  • Pre-Op Blood Tests
  • (6 Months) Hair Vitamins and Care Kit
beard transplant turkey antalya procedure

What is Beard Transplant Turkey

Candidacy for Beard Transplant in Turkey?

A beard transplant can provide a solution for men who have a lack of facial hair or are unhappy with patchy growth. It is also effective in concealing burn and wound scars. It is generally recommended to wait until the person is 22 years old before considering a beard transplant. Whether a person with a hormonal disorder, heart disease, or diabetes mellitus is eligible for a beard transplant is at the discretion of the doctor.

Beard Transplant Antalya, Turkey Procedure

At More Clinics Turkey, our surgeons are highly skilled and meticulous in performing beard hair transplants. The process involves the following steps:

  • Extraction: Hair follicles are carefully taken from a donor area and implanted into the desired site, such as the upper lip, chin, sideburns, or jaw area.
  • Customization: Each beard hair transplant is tailored to the individual patient. We select the appropriate extraction punches and make precise incisions based on the patient’s hair follicles.
  • Duration: FUE beard transplants typically take 6-8 hours to complete, depending on the number of grafts required. The procedure is carried out under local anesthesia.
  • Single Session: In most cases, a beard transplant can be completed in just one session. However, the number of sessions may vary based on your specific needs. Each session can last up to 6-8 hours with the use of a local anesthetic.

Our team is dedicated to providing exceptional care throughout the entire process of your beard hair transplant.

Beard Transplant Results Before and After


Beard transplant in Antalya has gained a lot of popularity over the years, thanks to its affordable prices and high-quality services.

People from all around the world come to this beautiful city in Turkey to get their hair transplant done. But what about the results?

How do they look after the surgery is complete?


Beard Transplant Costs

It’s important to note that beard transplant costs can vary widely depending on various factors, including the clinic’s reputation, the surgeon’s expertise, and the number of grafts required. The figures provided below are rough estimates and actual costs may vary. Additionally, currency exchange rates can impact prices.

CountryAverage Cost Range for Beard Transplant (USD)Additional Notes
Beard Transplant Cost UK£3,500 –  £7,500Prices may vary in different cities and clinics.
Beard Transplant Cost USA$5,000 – $15,000Costs can significantly differ based on location.
Beard Transplant Cost Canada$7,500 – $14,000Prices may vary between provinces.
Beard Transplant Cost Germany€5,000 – €10,000Costs may vary depending on the clinic’s reputation.
Beard Transplant Cost Ireland€3,500 – €7,500Prices can differ between cities and clinics.
Beard Transplant Cost France€4,500 – €9,000Costs may be influenced by the surgeon’s expertise.
Beard Transplant Cost Turkey$1,500 – $4,000Generally more affordable; Turkey is a popular destination for beard transplants.

Beard Transplant Turkey – FAQs

Is a beard transplant suitable for everyone?

A beard transplant is suitable for individuals experiencing beard hair loss or those desiring a fuller beard. A consultation with our medical team will help determine your eligibility and suitability for the procedure.

Are there any side effects after a beard transplant?

Temporary side effects may include redness, swelling, and scabbing in the treated area. These side effects usually resolve within a few days.

Is a beard transplant permanent?

Yes, a beard transplant offers a permanent solution. Once the transplanted hair begins regrowing, it will behave like your natural hair.

How long does a beard transplant take to heal?

Typically, a beard hair transplant heals quickly, with scabbing and redness subsiding within a week. Patients can resume everyday life within a couple of days.

What is the recovery time for a beard transplant?

The recovery time for a beard transplant is typically quick. Most patients experience subsiding scabbing and redness within a week, allowing them to resume normal activities within a couple of days.

Do beard transplants look natural?

Yes, at The More Clinics, we provide natural-looking results. Our surgeons use sapphire blades for tiny incisions, resulting in minimal scarring and downtime.

How long do beard transplants last?

Beard transplants offer permanent results. Once the transplanted hair starts growing, it will continue to grow like natural hair.

Can I choose the style of my transplanted beard?

Yes, you can discuss and share your desired beard style with the surgeon. It’s important to have a clear understanding and align your expectations with the surgeon for the final appearance you desire.

How do I prepare for a beard transplant?

To prepare for the procedure, share your medical background, current medications, and desired beard style with the medical team. It’s important to stop smoking, avoid alcohol, and discontinue blood-thinning medications. Shower before the surgery, ensuring a clean face and beard area.

Are there any risks with beard transplants?

Possible risks include temporary redness, swelling, and scabbing. These usually subside within a few days. Our medical team will guide you through potential risks and side effects.

Why should you consider a beard transplant in Turkey?

Explore the ultimate solution for hair loss at Beard Transplant Antalya Clinic Turkey, a globally renowned center of excellence in hair restoration procedures. Istanbul, the capital city of hair transplants, has emerged as the preferred destination for exceptional results, unparalleled expertise, and competitive pricing. Opting for a beard transplant in Turkey not only offers a life-changing experience but also provides financial advantages that make it an appealing choice for medical tourists worldwide.

At The More Clinics, we take pride in delivering state-of-the-art beard transplants using revolutionary techniques that have gained immense popularity in Turkey and beyond. Our highly skilled and experienced doctors are dedicated to providing the highest standard of care, ensuring optimal outcomes for each patient. With our advanced technology and exceptional expertise, you can expect a seamless and efficient hair transplant process that yields natural-looking results.

The More Hair Team is obsessed with quality and committed to providing a safe and sterile environment for all procedures. With every step of your procedure tracked and recorded for your medical file, you can trust that you will receive the most personalized and attentive care possible. And with monthly emergency and cardiopulmonary resuscitation training for all staff, you can rest assured that your safety is our top priority.

The More Clinics had many happy and satisfied patients in these years. When someone searches to find a clinic to have a hair transplant, one of the essential point is former patients and experience, We highly recommend you to check our satisfied patient’s comments about us.

The More Clinics Aftercare Program

After you have your operation, you need some time to heal also, not like most of the other aesthetic surgeries, hair transplant results are not seen as soon as you have the surgery. In this period we will assist you. Our team and doctors will answer all your questions and evaluate you if necessary.


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