Facelift in Turkey

As time goes by, our skin tends to show signs of aging, such as wrinkles and sagging skin, which can lead to a decline in self-esteem. But fear not – there is a way to turn back the clock! Face lift surgery are the go-to for achieving a more youthful appearance. And where better to undergo such treatments than in Turkey, known for its skilled surgeons and top-notch clinics at affordable prices? For those seeking a face lift Turkey Antalya is definitely a destination worth considering.

facelift in turkey
facelift in turkey before after

What is Face Lift Surgery?

A facelift, also known as a rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure that involves pulling back a flap of skin on each side of the face, altering tissues beneath it, and removing excess skin to give a more youthful and refreshed appearance. Fat may be sculpted or redistributed, and underlying tissue is repositioned as well.

This process involves an incision starting in the hairline at the temples, curving around the ear, and ending in the lower scalp. With its proven effectiveness and lasting results, facelifts are widely recognized as one of the most popular methods for facial rejuvenation.

Types of Face Lift Turkey

There are 3 most common types of face lift surgery:

  • THE CIRCULAR FACE LIFT : The Circular Face lift is the traditional facelift that addresses the symptoms of aging in the upper, middle, and lower parts of the face. This surgical procedure is a complex process that involves tightening of the skin, repositioning of the underlying tissues, and removal of excess skin. It is an ideal option for patients who have visible signs of aging, deep wrinkles, and sagging skin in all zones. Recovery time for this procedure is between two to three weeks and can last up to ten years.
  • THE MINI FACE LIFT: The Mini Face lift, also known as a short-scar facelift, is a minimally invasive option that targets early symptoms of aging and mild skin sagging. This type of facelift is generally performed on younger patients who want to enhance their appearance. The procedure involves making minimal incisions that are hidden within the natural folds and hairline. This means there are no visible scars after the procedure. Moreover, the recovery time is shorter, and general anesthesia is not required. Patients who undergo a mini facelift can look up to ten years younger, with improved definition in the chin, jaw, and lower facial area.
  • THE SMAS FACE LIFT : The SMAS Lift is an advanced facelift technique that specifically addresses sagging cheeks, jowls, and the appearance of a double chin. SMAS stands for Superficial Musculo-Aponeurotic System, which is a layer of tissue beneath the skin. The procedure involves lifting and tightening the muscles and underlying tissues to address loss of skin elasticity in the SMAS membrane. It is an effective way to correct the following signs of aging: sagging in the middle portion of the face, jowls in the neck region, hollow cheeks, nasolabial folds, loose skin beneath the chin and jawline, and sagging cheek fat. The SMAS Lift has a longer recovery period compared to the other facelift options, but its effects can last up to fifteen years.

Things You Should Know Before Your Face lift in Turkey

  • Before your facelift procedure in Turkey, here are some important things you should know to prepare yourself adequately:
  • Face lift surgery are suitable for both men and women who want to reduce the visible signs of aging on their skin.
  • Plan to stay in Turkey for at least 8-10 days to allow enough time for the procedure and recovery.
  • It is advisable to refrain from drinking alcohol and smoking at least one week before and after the surgery to minimize the risk of complications.
  • After the procedure, you may experience swelling of the face and eyelids, bruising, and a high temperature of 38°C. These are common symptoms, and cold compresses can help alleviate them.
  • You will need to wear a compression bandage for at least 10 days after the surgery to promote healing and reduce swelling.
  • Your doctor may advise you to avoid physical activities for at least four weeks after the surgery to allow your body to heal properly.
  • Sauna and solarium visits are not allowed for at least 2-3 months after the procedure.
  • It is essential to protect your face and neck from the sun after the surgery by using high sun cream and wearing sunglasses.
  • Make-up is not allowed for at least two weeks after the procedure to avoid infection and promote healing.
  • Stitches are usually removed within 6-14 days after the procedure, and complete stabilization of the scars may take up to a year.
  • Regular massages after three weeks can help expedite the healing process.
  • It is critical to follow your surgeon’s recommendations for aftercare to ensure a smooth and successful recovery.
  • Results are long-lasting and last in most cases for 8 to 15 years depending on the type of facelift or neck lift.

Procedure – Face lift surgery Turkey

First of all, before the procedure, we will need to gather some important information including your medical history and pictures of your face and neck from different sides. During an online consultation, you’ll have the opportunity to discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor to see if you’re a good candidate for face lift surgery.

Once you arrive for your procedure, you’ll be directed to our clinic or hospital for a consultation and initial examination and the surgery will be scheduled for the following day. After a blood test, you’ll be prepared for surgery and if done under general anesthesia, you’ll need to stop consuming anything at midnight the day before.

The Duration of Surgery can range from 2 to 6 hours, in most cases our patients spend 1 or 2 nights in the hospital under medical supervision depending on your condition after face lift. On your last day, the surgeon will remove the stitches and you’ll have a final check-up. Get ready to look and feel your best!

Face lift Turkey Before and After Results


Facelift surgery in Turkey have consistently shown remarkable outcomes, leading to significant transformations in the lives of patients. These surgeries not only enhance the appearance of the face and neck but also improve the overall facial profile, resulting in a more youthful and balanced aesthetic. Many patients have reported increased self-confidence and satisfaction as their features are gracefully enhanced through the best facelift and necklift procedures in Turkey.


face lift and neck lift before and after

Face Lift Turkey Cost Other Countries

This procedure is quite expensive compared with some other plastic surgeries. The cost of face lift surgery is various. It is based on the office location, the operation’s complexity, and the surgeon’s experience.

A standard facelift might cost about £7,000 to £30,000 in the UK. According to the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery, the average facelift cost in the USA is between $7,700 and $11,780.

Although this operation’s cost is high, you can save money and undergo the process in Turkey, considered one of the top places for plastic surgeries. Facelift in Turkey, Rhytidectomy costs between from $4250 – $6250.

Face Lift Cost UK£7,000 to £30,000
Face Lift Cost United States$13,000 to $40,000
Face Lift Cost Turkeyfrom $4250

How Much Does Necklift Cost In The US?

The average cost of a neck lift in the United States is $5,774. However, that could be more or less, depending on where your procedure is done.

Many factors can affect the price of a neck lift surgery, including:

  • Your geographic location—some parts of the country may be more expensive than others
  • The experience level of your surgeon—more experienced surgeons tend to charge more for their services


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